10-1 Classwork (Compositions)

More Practice
For each transformation, write it in both forms of notation.
Compositions of Transformations

Moving on to a DIFFERENT EXAMPLE!!!
A. A clockwise rotation of 60o about the origin, followed by a translation by directed line segment AB.
B. A reflection about the line x = 1, followed by a reflection about the line x = 2.
C. Three translations, each of directed line segment AC
4. What single transformation maps the arrow to image from #2? Write the name of the transformation and its symbolic representation.
5. What single transformation maps the arrow to image from #3?
A. T(1,1)(T(0,1)(T(1,0)))
B. RO,90(RO,90)
C. r(x=0)(r(y=0))

7. Identify a composition of transformations that could map the arrow on the left to the image of the arrow on the right. Try in out by creating the area in the graph below then actually doing the transformations you listed.
8. Consider the composition you identified in Item 7 but with the transformations in reverse order. Does it still map the arrow to the same image? (Again try it out in the graph provided)
9. Identify a composition that undoes the mapping, meaning it maps the image of the arrow on the right to the pre-image on the left (this is referring back to the picture a few boxes up).
B. rD'B'(RD,90) ** Remember that the prime means the point AFTER the transformation! **
C. RA,180(rAC)

Use this space to add any writing for numbers 11 and 13.