4 Representations of Linear Equations
4 Representations #1: Rate of Change
Four Representations #2: Rate of Change From Words
4 Representations #3: Rate of Change From a Spreadsheet
4 Representations #4: Rate of Change From a Graph
4 Representations #5: Initial Value and Rate of Change
Untitled Worksheet
4 Representations of Linear Equations
Valarie Harris
An introduction to linear equations, focusing on the rate of change. Each applet displays four representations. This is inquiry based, leading the students to their own answers.
4 Representations #1: Rate of Change
Four Representations #2: Rate of Change From Words
4 Representations #3: Rate of Change From a Spreadsheet
4 Representations #4: Rate of Change From a Graph
4 Representations #5: Initial Value and Rate of Change
Untitled Worksheet
4 Representations #1: Rate of Change
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