Adding Signed Decimals
Try + and - for both numbers. The different signs here represent directions.
Exploring adding signed decimals on a number by trying out the different math problems below.
Adding decimals with the same sign practice:
1) 4.5 + 6.3
2) -1.8 + -1.6
3) -3.7 + - 6.5
4) -15.6 + -14
5) 3.3 + 12.8
Adding decimals with different signs practice:
6) -2.5 + 10.7
7) 8.2+-17.6
8) 9.0+-7.4
9) -11.8 + 3.3
10) -15.7 + 9.2
What did you notice about adding decimals with the same sign?
What did you notice about adding decimals with different signs?