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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Connect the Dots - Plotting Coordinate Points

You're going to do a connect the dots picture today! Follow the directions to plot points and then connect them into polygons of a certain color. You should have a recognizable picture in the end! You can also find the directions linked in your agenda if you prefer having them open in another window.

1) Plot the following points in order

A (-3, 7) B (-2, 2) C (2, 2) D (3, 7) E (5, 5) 
F (5, 2)G (4, -1)H (0, -2)I (-4, -1)J (-5, 2)K (-5, 5)

Create your first polygon by connecting the points in order

Toolbar Image Polygon(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, A) Then change the color of the polygon to yellow

2) Plot the following points in order

L (-6, 0) M (-6, 6) N (-5, 8) O (-4, 9) P (-1, 10) 
Q (1, 10) R (4, 9)S (5, 8)T (6, 6)U (6, 0)

Create your first polygon by connecting the points in order

Toolbar Image Polygon(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, U, T, S, R, Q, P, O, N, M, L, I, J, K, A) Then change the color of the polygon to red

3) Plot the following points in order

V (-6, -2) W (-4, -4) Z (-2, -7) A1 (2, -7) 
 B1 (4, -4)C1 (6, -2)D1 (3, -2)E1 (-3, -2)
*Note: There is no X or Y point in Geogebra

Create your third polygon by connecting the points in order

Toolbar Image Polygon(L, I, E1, H, D1, G, U, C1, B1, A1, Z, W, V, L) Then change the color of the polygon to yellow

4) Plot the following points in order

F1 (-3, -7) G1 (-2, -9) H1 (2, -9) 
I1 (3, -7)J1 (2, -8)K1 (-2, -8)

Create the following polygons by connecting the points in order

Toolbar Image Polygon(Z, K1, J1, A1, Z) Color this polygon red Toolbar Image Polygon(F1, G1, H1, I1, J1, K1, F1) Color this polygon yellow

5) Plot the following points in order

L1 (-5, -6) M1 (-4, -8) N1 (-2, -10)
O1 (2, -10) P1 (4, -8)Q1 (5, -6)

Create the following polygons by connecting the points in order

Toolbar Image Polygon(V, W, Z, K1, F1, G1, H1, I1, J1, A1, B1, C1, Q1, P1, O1, N1, M1, L1) Color this polygon red Toolbar ImagePolygon(I, E1, H) Color this polygon cyan Toolbar ImagePolygon(H, D1, G) Color this polygon cyan