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IM Alg2.6.18 Practice: Modeling Circular Motion

Jada is riding on a Ferris wheel. Her height, in feet, is modeled by the function , where  is the number of minutes since she got on the ride. How many minutes does it take the Ferris wheel to make one full revolution? Explain how you know.

What is the radius of the Ferris wheel? Explain how you know.

Sketch a graph of h.

The vertical position, in feet, of the point  on a windmill is represented by , where  is the number of seconds after the windmill started turning at a constant speed. Select all the true statements.

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A seat on a Ferris wheel travels  feet in one full revolution. How many feet is the carriage from the center of the Ferris wheel?

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A carousel has a radius of 20 feet. The carousel makes 8 complete revolutions.

How many feet does a person on the carousel travel during these 8 revolutions?

What angle does the carousel travel through?

What is the relationship between the angle of rotation and the distance traveled on this carousel? Explain your reasoning. 

For which angle measures between 0 and  is the cosine negative and the sine positive?

For which angle measures between 0 and  is the cosine negative and the sine negative?

 radian rotation takes a point  on the unit circle to a point . Which other radian rotation also takes point  to point ?

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A windmill blade spins in a counterclockwise direction, making one full revolution every 5 seconds. Which statements are true? Select all that apply.

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Here is the graph of a trigonometric function.

Which equation has this graph?

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