Ice Cream Cone Head (AR Modeling Challenge)

Can you author 2 surface equations (with possible domain restrictions) to reconstruct this 2-faced virtual ice cream cone within GeoGebra Augmented Reality? Clues: 1) The blue surface is a hemisphere with radius = 3. 2) The top point of the hemisphere is (0, 0, 5). 3) The apex of the cone is at (0,0,5). 4) The projection of all 4 eyes onto the plane z = 0 are circles with centers and . 5) The projection of the one mouth boundary onto the plane z = 0 has equation . 6) The projection of the other mouth boundary onto the plane z = 0 has equation . For additional challenges, see the text below this screencast.


Additional Challenges:

1) Reconstruct this same surface, yet reflect it about the plane z = 0. I.E: "Flip it upside down"! 2) Reconstruct this same surface, yet put 2 additional mouths on here that are the mouths seen here, yet rotated about (0,0,0).