Musical:Equiangular Spiral, Voronoi and Delaunay Patterns
My Applet is Ready, it automates the animation of the original applet existing choices.
I simulate the click on the 11 patterns, in an oscillating order.
I also created a random list of true, false (zeros and ones) that I use to simulate the user click on the check boxes. The patterns are changed as the slider is updated fro 1 to 11
The update of this slider also changes the color for each curve and point list.
Colors are selected from a list of 60 hexadecimal decimal color codes to feed the SetColor command which is more reliable than the SetDynamicColor command that sometimes give unsuitable color combinations with the background.
My composition of that day (12/032/021) was inspired by the rhythm of the automated animation.
Thanks to Mr Milanofff for this imaginary mathematical voyage.
YOUTUBE : 20210312 MG Imaginaire