Group Setup
About the Setup of a Group
Each Group is organized on four tabs called Posts, Members, Resources, and Feedback / Tasks, collecting all the information and content shared among the Group's Members.
Tab Posts
Tab Posts represents the main page of a Group and serves as a communication platform for the Group's Members. Depending on the user rights set by the Owner of a Group...
- users are allowed to create new posts.
- users are allowed to comment on existing posts.
- resources can be shared with all members of the Group by inserting them in a post.
- editing permissions can be changed (i.e. who is allowed to edit a resource).
- automatic feedback setting can be activated for certain Tasks (i.e. multiple choice questions and open questions with exemplary answer). Note: Only Owners of a Group are allowed to set Tasks for Members.
Tab Members
Tab Members provides a list of all Group Members, as well as their role within the Group (e.g. Owner, Member).
The Group Owner can use tab Members in order to...
- invite new Members by using the User Search
- obtain the Group Code to share with other users. Note: If necessary you can generate a new Group Code in the Group Settings.
- change the status of Group Members (i.e. Owner, Member) and thus, manage their permissions in the Group.
Tab Resources
Tab Resources provides a list of all resources shared within the Group. Depending on the user permissions set by the Owner of a Group...
- Members can view the shared resources.
- Members can edit the shared resources, if the editing rights have been set accordingly.
- editing permissions can be changed (i.e. who is allowed to edit a resource).
Tab Tasks (Members only)
Tab Tasks provides a list of all Tasks set for the Group's Members, ordered by their status To-Do or Done.
Each Member can...
- check on the current status of their Tasks.
- access pending Tasks by clicking on their title.
- check feedback and comments for each Task.
- add comments to Tasks or feedback.
Tab Feedback (Owners only)
Tab Feedback provides information about all Tasks of a Group. It can only be accessed by the Owner(s) of a Group, who can...
- check on the status of the Tasks for each Member
- access and review their Tasks
- provide feedback for the Tasks
- Grid, providing detailed information about the progress of each Member OR
- List, summarizing the Members' progress for each Task.