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GeoGebraGeoGebra Ders

Square - measurements(B)

I always find square rooms are very hot. All the corners are ______ degrees.

This investigation is about discovering the relationships sides, angles, and the diagonals of the square. Try to discover which lengths are congruent, parallel, perpendicular, or bisected. Discover which angles are congruent, complementary, supplementary, or bisected. Try to generalize your findings by using descriptions like opposite or consecutive with what and how many that applies to. For example a generalization might be: “One or _______ pairs of opposite sides are parallel.” On the polygon put markings of congruency, right angles, or parallel for the sides or angles.

Square - measurements

Explain and measure or move anything you need to.

1. Are any of the sides parallel? What needs to be measured to prove this(or explain)? Which pairs?

2. Are any of the sides perpendicular? What needs to be measured to prove this? Which pairs?

3. Are any of the sides congruent? Which pairs? How do you know?

4. Are any of the angles congruent? Which pairs? How do you know?

6. Are the diagonals congruent? How do you know?

7. Do the diagonals bisect each other? How do you know?

8. Do the diagonals bisect opposite angles? How do you know?

9. Are the diagonals perpendicular? How do you know?


How is a square different from rectangles, rhombi, trapezoids and parallelograms? Explain


How is a square the same as rectangles, rhombi, trapezoids and parallelograms? Explain

Multiple choice, T/F

Squares have

Tüm uygun cevapları seçin
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Cevabımı kontrol et (3)

Squares are unique and have all the properites of rectangles, rhombi, parallelograms and kites.

Tüm uygun cevapları seçin
  • A
  • B
Cevabımı kontrol et (3)

Choose all of the correct responses

The properties of a square are?

Tüm uygun cevapları seçin
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
Cevabımı kontrol et (3)