Electrical machines - collection

Table of Contents
- Internal Resistance
- Phasor Diagram and Sinusoidal Waveforms
- Amplitude, period and phase of trigonometric function
- Voltage, currents and powers waveforms in series RC load
- Die Wechselstromleistung
- Ampere's Law
- Магнитный поток и возникновение индукционного тока по правилу Ленца
- Faraday's Law
- Motional emf
- Magnetic Induction
- Elektromagnetska indukcija - primjer
- Fleming's left hand rule
- Force on a current in a B field
- Gen: RightHandTheory
- Gen: LeftHandTheory
- 3D Magnetic field from magnet
- le triphasé
- Driven RLC Circuit Using Phasors
- Series LRC Circuit
- Driven RLC Circuit Using Phasors
- Force on Current-Carrying Wire in a Magnetic Field
- Definición de amperio
- PLC Kompensation
- Blindleistungskompensation
- amélioration du facteur de puissance
- Aronschaltung
- Electric Field Vector Field
- analogia tra circuito elettrico e magnetico/analogy between electric circuit and magnetic circuit
- Simple DC magnetic circuit with air gap
- Simple AC magnetic circuit with air gap
- Simple PM magnetic circuit with air gap
- 43 Hysteresis loops
- Corrente a vuoto del trasformatore
- Magnetization current and components
- Gen: Hysterisys01
- Gen: Hysterisys02
- Hysteresis
- AC Transformer
- Impedance Matching With a Transformer
- T článek
- Real Transformer phasor diagram
- Transformer voltage variation from no-load to load operation
- Transformer Kapp diagram
- Kapp Regulation diagram
- Grupe de conexiuni la transformatoare electrice
- Transformer Connections
- trasformatore trifase - schemi collegamento avvolgimenti - 230406>3747
- Scottův transformátor
- Comutator de ploturi
- 01 Forces and fields in a current-carrying conductor
- 03 Developed view of the induction motor
- 25a Sinusoidal windings in ac machines
- 25b Sinusoidal windings in ac machines
- 26 Magnetic field distributions in a 3-phase ac machine
- 27a Concentrated windings
- 27b Distributed windings
- MMF of a single phase winding
- Single/three-phase winding mmf
- 3phase winding mmf
- Synch: Short Winding
- Synch: Distributed Winding
- Electrical Machine (Distributed Winding)
- Vector construction of winding factor
- cinitel vinuti
- 27c Sinusoidal windings
- 27d 3-phase windings
- 28a mmf space distributions in a 3-phase ac machine
- 29 Air gap flux plots and B-field distributions
- 30 Periodic functions
- 31a Space vectors in 3-phase ac systems
- 31b Space vectors in 3-phase ac systems
- 32 Unbalanced 3-phase sinusoidal signals
- Armature mmf waves: Sinusoidal windings
- Symmetrical Components Animation
- Rotating Magnetic Field
- Rotating magnetic field - Double revolving field theory
- Rotating magnetic field - Fortescue symmetrical components
- Fortescue symmetrical components
- Double Revolving Field Theory
- Etc: PulsingFlux
- Synch: Rotating Flux
- Symmetrische Komponenten im Dreiphasensystem
- DC Motor 2D
- DC Motor 3D
- DC Motor
- DC: GeneratorPrinciple
- DC: MotorPrinciple
- DC Machine Separately Excited
- DC Machine Parallel excited
- DC Motor Series Excited
- DC: Armature Reaction
- Campo magnético producido por una corriente y motor eléctrico
- DC: Wave winding
- DC: Compound Winding
- DC: Self Excite
- DC generator separat. exited - Load curve u=f(j), i=const.
- DC generator separat. exited - External curve u=f(i) j=const
- DC generator separat. exited - Regul. curve j=f(i) u=const
- DC generator series exited - External curve u=f(i) j=i
- DC motor series exited
- DC generator separat. exited - S. C. curve i=f(j) u=0
- DC generator with compound excitation - External curve
- DC motor separate exited
- DC generator shunt exited - External curve u=f(i) j=const
- 45 DC machine
- INDUCTION MACHINE: Field space distribution
- Cópia de Synch: Induction Relative Rotation
- 28b mmf space distributions in a 3-phase ac machine
- Rotating Magnetic Field in the Stator of a 3-Phase Machine
- Rotating Magnetic Field
- Drehfeld einer Asynchronmaschine
- IM mechanical characteristic
- Machine asynchrone Caractéristique
- IM circle diagrame
- Heyland-Kreis einer Asynchronmaschine
- Circle (Heyland) Diagram of ASM - Kruhový diagram asynchronního motoru
- Magnetic field in a wound rotor induction motor
- IM Kloss Equation
- IM circle diagrame 2
- IM 12wire low/hight voltage wye/delta conection
- 04 Steady-state characteristics of the induction machine
- 05 Equivalent circuit of the induction machine
- 06 Moving phasor diagrams of the induction machine
- 07 Torque-speed characteristics of the induction machine
- 08a Moving current phasors of the induction machine
- 08b Moving current phasors of the induction machine
- 09 Volts per Herz speed control of the induction machine
- 10 Quick view of induction machine characteristics
- 51 Static characteristics of a doubly-fed induction generator
- 3-phase stator winding with a 3-phase current: current layer and mmf wave
- 3-phase rotor winding with a 3-phase current: current layer and mmf wave
- Field and Current Layers in a doubly fed slip-ring asynchronous machine
- 02 Principle of operation of the induction machine
- AC Generator 2D
- AC Generator 3D
- Synchronous Generator
- Drehstromgenerator
- Copy of Phasor Diagram for Load Condition of Synchronized Generator
- Synchronous Generator Terminal Voltage
- Synchronous generator cylindrical rotor - vector diagram
- Synchronous generator salient pole - vector diagram
- Synchronous motor cylindrical rotor - vector diagram
- Synchronous motor salient pole - vector diagram
- Synchronous Machine Phasor Diagram
- Blondel diagram
- Potier diagram for the synchronous machine
- Synchronous machine - Potier diagram
- Synchronous machine - Swedish diagram
- Synchronous machine - American diagram
- Synchroscope
- Generator Paralleling Simulator
- Synch: Induction Relative Rotation
- Synchronous generator - drop voltage
- Synchronous machine - PQ diagram TG with slider
- Synchronous machine - PQ diagram HG
- Ggb-SL-Diagrame synchrone MS (PQ)
- Ggb-SL-Diagrame synchrone MS
- Synchronous machines cylindrical rotor P and Q
- Synchronous machines salient rotor P and Q
- 13 Steady-state operating characteristics of a round-rotor synchronous machine
- 16 Steady-state charateristics of a salient-pole synchronous machine
- V curves of synchronous machines
- Short circuit of synchronous machines
- Copia de Short circuit
- 22 Armature short-circuit current of a synchronous machine
- 14 Steady-state characteristics of a synchronous generator (compounding curves)
- 15 Steady-state characteristics of a synchronous generator (capability curves)
- 17 Phasor diagrams of a salient-pole synchronous machine
- 18a Phasor diagrams of the synchronous motor
- 18b Phasor diagrams of the synchronous motor
- 19 V-curves of a salient-pole synchronous motor
- 20 Alternator voltage generation
- 21 Transient stability of a synchronous machine
- Parallel Generators Droop Curves
- Synchronous machine - Synchronization
- 52a Synchronization
- 52b Synchronization
- pascal
- Clarke en Park transformaties (in 2D)
- Space Vectors And Clarke-Park Transformations
- 37 dq windings in ac machines
- 38 dq current space vector components
- 39 ab-dq transformations
- 40 Space vectors: Matrix formulation
- 41 Space vectors: Geometric view
- 42 Space vectors: dq transformations
- Clarke Transform
- Vector Control PMSM
- Fortescue's Theorem
- Rotating magnetic field - Double revolving field theory
- Fortescue symmetrical components
- Rotating magnetic field - Fortescue symmetrical components
- Rotating magnetic field - advanced
- Double Revolving Field Theory
- DC motor separate exited
- DC motor series exited
- IM mechanical characteristic
- IM Kloss Equation
- Duty types IEC 60034-1
- Motor Efficiency plot T=f(w)
- Motor Efficiency plots eta=f(P)
- 11a Induction motor starting (static)
- 11b Induction motor starting (static)
- 12 Line start of an induction motor (dynamic)
- 23 Dynamic stability of a synchronous motor
- 34 Switching table for direct torque control of ac drives
- 35a Pulse-width modulation
- 46 Cascade positional control of a dc motor
- 53 Coupled-circuit dynamic model of the induction machine
- Three-phase half-wave uncontrolled rectifier with RL load
- 33a Three-phase inverter
- 33b Three-phase inverter
- Field and Current Layers in a doubly fed slip-ring asynchronous machine
- Moteur à courant continu
- Hachage PWM (constante)
- Sinus-PWM
- Hachage PWM
- Unipolar pulse width modulation
- Copy of Lissajous 1: perpendicular waves, same source (2).
- Lissajous 3D-Kurve
- Vernier Caliper (robphy)
- Drawing a Cat with epicycles
- Discrete Fourier Transform: GeoGebra logo
- 36a Fourier analysis of a pulse wave
- 36b Fourier analysis of a pulse wave
- 36c Fourier analysis of a pulse wave
- 36d Fourier analysis of a pulse wave
- Aronschaltung
- Bode 1er ordre
- Laplace-Transformation
- Taylor Polynomials and Convergence
- Visualizing Partial Derivatives
- I-V Curve of a Solar Cell