6Q Quiz: Average Rate of Change - Graph a Function (2)
Drag any one (or more) of the 3 LARGE POINTS in the app below to create a function with specified characteristics. Feel free to pan and zoom if you need.
Drag any one (or more) of the 3 LARGE POINTS in the app below to create a function with specified characteristics. Feel free to pan and zoom if you need.
Drag any one (or more) of the 3 LARGE POINTS in the app below to create a function with specified characteristics. Feel free to pan and zoom if you need.
Drag any one (or more) of the 3 LARGE POINTS in the app below to create a function with specified characteristics. Feel free to pan and zoom if you need.
Drag any one (or more) of the 3 LARGE POINTS in the app below to create a function with specified characteristics. Feel free to pan and zoom if you need.
Drag any one (or more) of the 3 LARGE POINTS in the app below to create a function with specified characteristics. Feel free to pan and zoom if you need.