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IM Geo.2.13 Lesson: Proofs about Parallelograms

Here is parallelogram ABCD and rectangle EFGH.

What do you notice? What do you wonder? 

Conjecture: The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.

Use the tools available to convince yourself the conjecture is true.

Convince your partner that the conjecture is true for any parallelogram. Can the 2 of you think of different ways to convince each other?

What information is needed to prove that the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other?

Prove that segment  bisects segment , and that segment  bisects segment .

Here is a diagram: Given:  is a parallelogram with  parallel to  and  parallel to . Diagonal  is congruent to diagonal . Prove:  is a rectangle (angles , , , and  are right angles). With your partner, you will work backwards from the statement to the proof until you feel confident that you can prove that  is a rectangle using only the given information. Start with this sentence: I would know  is a rectangle if I knew ______________. Then take turns saying this sentence: I would know [what my partner just said] if I knew ______________. Write down what you each say. If you get to a statement and get stuck, go back to an earlier statement and try to take a different path.

Two intersecting segments always make a quadrilateral if you connect the endpoints.

What has to be true about the intersecting segments in order to make a rectangle?

What has to be true about the intersecting segments in order to make a rhombus?

What has to be true about the intersecting segments in order to make a square?

What has to be true about the intersecting segments in order to make a kite?

What has to be true about the intersecting segments in order to make an isosceles trapezoid?