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drawing: Vicenza Garofalo
drawing: Vicenza Garofalo
Looking at the fron view you can hardly imagine that it corresponds with a clear plan, but eventually it does. Follow tier after tier the composition of the muqarnas in the plan.
Indeed you can represent the muqarnas in a rectangular plan, based on 4-fold symmetry. But starting from the plan, the 8 different elements offers so many combinations that you cannot unambiguously construct a muqarnas out of it.
  • Element A as well as element C have got a square (rectangular) base.
  • Not less than 4 elements have got a triangular base: D, E, F, and H. These are combined in different ways and can form a square or a rhombus as well.
  • There's just 1 rhombus: element G.
drawing: Vicenza Garofalo
drawing: Vicenza Garofalo