IM Grade 6 Math: Unit 4 - Dividing Fractions
In this unit, students examine how the relative sizes of numerator and denominator affect the size of their quotient when numerator or denominator (or both) is a fraction. To learn more about how to use GeoGebra’s fully digital and interactive curriculum, visit our IM 6–8 Math page.

4.1 Size of Divisor and Size of Quotient
4.2 Meanings of Division
4.3 Interpreting Division Situations
4.4 How Many Groups? (Part 1)
4.5 How Many Groups? (Part 2)
4.6 Using Diagrams to Find the Number of Groups
4.7 What Fraction of a Group?
4.8 How Much in Each Group? (Part 1)
4.9 How Much in Each Group? (Part 2)
4.10 Dividing by Unit and Non-Unit Fractions
4.11 Using an Algorithm to Divide Fractions
4.12 Fractional Lengths
4.13 Rectangles with Fractional Side Lengths
4.14 Fractional Lengths in Triangles and Prisms
4.15 Volume of Prisms
4.16 Solving Problems Involving Fractions
4.17 Fitting Boxes into Boxes