Avenues Polygon Synthesizer

Using the sliders in the right hand panel you can fold the chain of links in the left hand panel to make triangles, quadrilaterals and pentagons. How can you fold the chain to build each of the following kinds of triangle [ scalene - isosceles - equilateral - acute - obtuse - right ] How can you fold the chain to build each of the following kinds of quadrilateral [ square - parallelogram - rhombus - kite - trapezoid - right angle trapezoid - quad that can be inscribed in a circle - quad in which a circle can be inscribed] Can you build non-convex quads? How can you fold the chain to build [ regular pentagons - cyclic pentagons - degenerate pentagons that look like quads - degenerate pentagons that look like triangles ] Can you build non-convex pentagons? If this applet had a chain with six links could you fold the chain to build hexagons? What controls would you need? What other problems could/would you set for your students based on this applet?