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L7.1 Dilation not from the Center - Method 2

Attempt 2 Graph - Directions for this graph is below.

A translation needs to be introduced. PART 1

Copy each point separately - A = (6,0) B = (3,4) C = (-3,0) D = (2,-2) Z = (-5, 3) and paste into the INPUT Use Toolbar Image Translate Steps: 1. What is the slope from point Z to ORIGIN? Count it out in this specific direction. 2. The first translation needs to be in this direction. To complete the translation, a VECTOR is needed. To keep the graph less cluttered, we will place the vector else. 3. Plot E & F using the input. E = (-7,1) and F = (-12, 4) 4. Select the vector toolToolbar Image. start at F and connect to E. 5. Select the renaming tool Toolbar Image, click, to name the vector - u This vector represents the slope between point Z and the ORIGIN. 6. Time to Translate: Copy - Translate( polygon( A, B, C, D ), u ) and paste into the INPUT 7. Change the color of ABCD to purple. The points will be labeled A'B'C'D'

A translation needs to be introduced. PART 1

A translation needs to be introduced.   PART 1

Time to Dilate: PART 2

Copy - Dilate( polygon( A', B', C', D' ), 2 ) and paste into the INPUT - Change color to pink

Dilation -PART 2

Dilation -PART 2

Now Translate Back: PART 3

1. What is the slope from the ORIGIN to point Z? 2. Plot G & H using the input. G = (-7,3) and H = (-12, 6) 3. Select the vector toolToolbar Image. start at G and connect to H. 4. Select the renaming tool to Toolbar Image, click, to name the vector - v 5. Copy - Translate( polygon( A'', B'', C'', D'' ), v ) and paste into the INPUT 6. Use Toolbar Image to state the IMAGE

Translate Back - Part 3

Translate Back  - Part 3