Tim Brzezinski

Tim Brzezinski
GeoGebra & Open Middle Exercises: A Powerful Way to Engage and Assess in Remote & Hybrid Settings
Open Middle exercises serve as powerful means to engage students in higher-level thinking while naturally providing teachers opportunities to effectively assess students' knowledge of concepts. With remote learning still being the unfortunate norm for many, we will experience how GeoGebra can empower teachers to engage and assess ALL STUDENTS (regardless of location) via Open Middle exercises. BIO Tim Brzezinski is a full time mathematics teacher and coach at Southington High School (CT) and a part time independent mathematics education consultant (Brzezinski Math). He is a GeoGebra ambassador, a certified GeoGebra presenter and author, and was the former Professional Development Director at GeoGebra (2020 - 2021). He is also a former full time high school mathematics teacher (Berlin High School, CT) w/15 years experience (2002 - 2017) and part time mathematics instructor (Central Connecticut State University) w/15 years experience (2002 - 2017). In his day-to-day work, Mr. Brzezinski enjoys actively engaging his students to explore, discover, and learn mathematics. In his consulting work, Tim facilitates active and engaging professional development workshops for mathematics teachers and administrators worldwide. In these workshops, he demonstrates how many EdTech apps can serve as powerful platforms that effectively foster active, student-centered, and differentiated discovery-based learning, meaningful remediation, and ongoing formative assessment. Mr. Brzezinski also continues to author interactive GeoGebra resources for his students and for mathematics teachers worldwide. Tim is also a non-professional magician and enjoys spending lots of time with his wife Ashley and their four energetic boys. More ideas for teaching and learning on these platforms:- Twitter: @TimBrzezinski
- Facebook: Brzezinski Math
- YouTube: Tim Brzezinski
- Instagram: brzezinski_math
- Website: Brzezinski Math
- Email: tim@brzmath.com