Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

1: Construct a Congruent Segment

Construct a congruent segment

Given Construct: A segment congruent to General notes: If you can use the undo/redo arrows at the top right of the constructions window. If things get really messy and you need to start over, press your browser's refresh button. Procedure: 1. Use the line tool to draw line CD some space below . They should not intersect. 2. Use the Point On Object tool to plot point E on line CD. 3. Use the compass tool. To set the radius as length AB: click point A. Click point B. 4. Click point E (to center the compass at point E). 5. Mark the compass's point of intersection with the Intersect tool. It will label this point F. 6. You have constructed . Remember:
  • Given info: red
  • Arcs utilized in construction: green
  • The final construction: blue