AR Banana (ATM workshop)

Figure 1 shows the sketch of  and . On the same diagram, sketch  and Figure 2 shows the sketch of and . On the same diagram, sketch and ADD link to download PDF below
Open GeoGebra 3D Calculator on your smartphone/tablet and search for the applet below using following code: #ERUAR Alternatively, you can construct the two functions 'from scratch': start in the Algebra tab and define a slider 'k'. Then simply type in the two equations: and . GeoGebra will generate the functions f(x) and g(x). Play around with slider k and see how accurate your sketches were!

Which curve best describes a banana?

Look for other curved surfaces such as a banana. Which curve best describes the 'real world' curve? Can you think how to limit the curve to mirror the finite edge of a banana, for example?