Google Classroom
GeoGebraClasse GeoGebra

Assingnment 13


-A prism is a 3- dimensional shape with two identical shapes facing each other .these identical shapes are called bases. -The bases can be a Triangle ,Square ,Rectangle or any polygon. - The base of prism can be regular or irregular polygon.


Design an applet to show volume of prism = Area of base (A)*hight(h) Or V=A*h

user guideline

1. move slider h; which is the height of prism and area of base means area of cross section (A) then , volume =A*h where, h runs 1 to 5 cm then it gives different volume by the cause of height 1cmto 5cm. 2. In this applet , Area of base=59.45=area of cross section and height =(1 /2/3/4/5) cm


construction protocal

Construction steps of volume of prism are as follows:- 1. Open new GeoGebra window. 2. Take any two points A and B any where of the graphics and join them. 3.Take perpendicular line from point A and B both points. 4.Take a point C in perpendicular line from point B . 5. Create a point D in intersecting points of perpendicular line from point C and point A. 4.Create a polygon ABCD by using polygon tool. 5.hide all unnecessary things except polygon ABCD. 6. View 3D graphics. 7.Text- volume of prism 8. Take extrude to prism by prism tool bar and put there 5. 9. take number slider h with min-1and max-5. 10.Input P=A+(0,0,h) Q=B+(0,0,h) R=C+(0,0,h) and S=D+(0,0,h) from these points we get cross section of the prism. 11.take prism from the prism tool bar by taking first PQRS points and ABCD points. At last, Enhance your construction by using object properties.

Test your understanndings

Q.n which of the following formula use to calculate volume of prism?

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  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
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