CCSS High School: Geometry (Slope, midpoint, distancance)
This GeoGebra Book contains lots of discovery-based learning activities, investigations, and meaningful remediation worksheets that were designed to help enhance students' learning of geometry concepts both inside and outside of the mathematics classroom.
This GeoGebra Book also contains contributions from Samantha Cruz (https://www.geogebra.org/scruz10)

Table of Contents
- Rise & Run (Revamped)
- Rise & Run
- Slope: Intuitive Introduction
- Slope: Intuitive Introduction (II)
- Slope: Intuitive Intro and Exploration
- Parallel Consequence? (VA)
- Parallel Consequence? (VB)
- Perpendicular Lines Investigation (VA)
- Perpendicular Lines Investigation (VB)
- Slope Triangle Rotation (VA)
- Animation 103
- Parallel & Perpendicular Consequence
- Parallel Lines Definition
- Perpendicular Lines Definition (& Consequence)
- Writing Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
- Distance in the Coordinate Plane (II)
Links to Other CCSS High School: Geometry Standards