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Voronoi diagram on sphere

Drag Points on sphere. Press buttons to see different distributions of points on the sphere. Have fun! :-)
#======================= # Inspired by Daniel Mentrard #======================= #======================= # Initial values #======================= N = 100 M = Slider(10, N, 1, 1, 160, false, true, false, false) SetValue(M, N) Lm = Sequence(1, M) speed = 0.001 a = Slider(0, 6.2812, 0.001, speed, 140, false, true, false, false) SetValue(a, 1 / 2 + sqrt(5) / 2) #======================= # Functions #======================= Px(x) = cos(pi * 2 * a * x) * sin(acos(1 - 2 * x / M)) Py(x) = sin(pi * 2 * a * x ) * sin(acos(1 - 2 * x / M)) Pz(x) = cos(acos(1 - 2 * x / M)) #======================= # Main sphere #======================= O = (0,0,0) s = Sphere(O, 1) #======================= # List of names for centers and spheres #======================= Sname = Zip("sphere"+Text(m), m, Lm) Pname = Zip("C"+Text(m), m, Lm) PMname = Zip("M"+Text(m), m, Lm) #======================= # Points and spheres #======================= Execute(Zip(name" = PointIn(s)", name, Pname)) Execute(Zip(name" = Midpoint("+P+", O)", name, PMname, P, Pname)) Execute(Zip(name" = Sphere( "+Mname+", 1 / 2 )", name, Sname, Mname, PMname)) Execute(Zip("ShowLabel("+name+", false)", name, Sname)) Execute(Zip("ShowLabel("+name+", false)", name, Pname)) Execute(Zip("SetVisibleInView("+name+", -1, false)", name, PMname)) Cols = Zip(random(), k, Lm) Execute(Zip("SetDynamicColor("+name+", "+hue+", 0.85, 1, 1)", name, Sname, hue, Cols)) Execute(Zip("SetConditionToShowObject("+name+", "+k+"<=M)", name, Sname, k, Lm)) colP = "Black" Execute(Zip("SetPointSize("+name+", 4)", name, Pname)) Execute(Zip("SetVisibleInView("+name+", 1, false)", name, Pname)) Execute(Zip("SetColor("+name+", colP)", name, Pname)) Lx = Zip( sin(pi * random()) * cos(2 * pi * random()), k, Lm) Ly = Zip( sin(pi * random()) * sin(2 * pi * random()), k, Lm) Lz = Zip( cos(pi * random()), k, Lm) #Random distribution #Execute(Zip("SetValue("+name+", ("+Px+", "+Py+", "+Pz+"))", name, Pname, Px, Lx, Py, Ly, Pz, Lz)) #Nice distribution :-) Execute(Zip("SetValue("+name+", ( Px("+k+"), Py("+k+"), Pz("+k+") ))", name, Pname, k, Lm)) #======================= # Settings :-) #======================= SetVisibleInView(M, 1, false) SetVisibleInView(a, 1, false) SetVisibleInView(s, -1, false) SetVisibleInView(Px, 1, false) SetVisibleInView(Py, 1, false) SetVisibleInView(Pz, 1, false) SetVisibleInView(Px, -1, false) SetVisibleInView(Py, -1, false) SetVisibleInView(Pz, -1, false) SetVisibleInView(Pname, 1, false) SetVisibleInView(PMname, 1, false) SetVisibleInView(Sname, 1, false) SetVisibleInView(Pname, -1, false) SetVisibleInView(PMname, -1, false) SetVisibleInView(Sname, -1, false) ShowAxes(false) ShowGrid(false) SetBackgroundColor("GAINSBORO")