สื่อการสอนรายวิชา สถิติ

Table of Contents
Collection of Individual Worksheets by Own and Others
- Random Flipping of Coins
- Transforming Data
- S1_Standard Deviation
- Boxplot Game
- Dot Plot Interactive
- Playing Card Tool (SVG)
- Mean Median Mode -Tabulated Data with Visual Mode
- Mean Median Mode -Tabulated Data with Visual Mode Example 2
- AQR Section 16: Matching a Pie Chart to a Dot Plot
- AQR Section 17: Calculating Summary Statistics
- AQR Section 17: Dot Plot and Box-and-Whisker Plot
- Visualizing Statistical Information
- Cumulative frequency graph and box plot
- Sampling Distribution of the Mean
- Sample Simulation
- Distribution of Sample Means
- Stem and Leaf Plot Template
- Probability with Area
- AQR Section 17: Mean but Sensitive
- Data Visualization
- Standard Deviation Investigation
- Randomised Histograms (unequal class widths)
- Adjustable Historgram
- Drawing Histograms
- From Histograms to Frequency Polygons
- Histogram
- Histogram with unequal class intervals
- Dot Plot Tool
- Compare Box and Whisker and Dot Plots
- Year 7 Statistics
- Mean & Standard Deviation of Grouped Data
- Conditional probability: Medical tests and risk of disease
- Introduction to Probability ---- The Rolling of a Die
Statistics Activities (John Golden)
Statistical Applets (Advanced Level)
- Chi-square distribution
- Normal Curve with SD slider
- F distribution
- Binomial Distribution with Normal Approximation
- T distribution and standard normal curve
- Binomial Distribution with Normal Approximation
- Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean
- Central Limit Theorem Demonstration, Uniform Distribution
- Linear Regression
- Empirical and Theoretical Histograms
- Flip a Fair Coin
- Flipping 5 Coins
- Linear Regression with Random Set of Points
- Linear Regression
- Galton Board & Binomial Distribution
Statistics (collated by sonom)