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502 - Mirror Shape

Mirror Shape

Grades 1-4 (S), 5-8 (S) Duration: 15 min Tools: one Logifaces Set / student Pair work Keywords: Symmetry

Mirror Shape


MATHS / Transformations


502 - Mirror Shape - Teacher Version

502 - Mirror Shape - Student Version

Mirror Shape

Special block

There are two elements that are obtained by mirroring each other. Which are these blocks? (Multiple choice)

Select all that apply
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
Check my answer (3)


Grade 1, Grade one, Grade 2, Grade two, Grade 3, Grade three, Grade 4, Grade four, Grade 5, Grade five, Grade 6, Grade six, Grade 7, Grade seven, Grade 8, Grade eight, Logifaces Symmetry, Transformations math, mathematics, exercise quiz question interactive Classroom activity Interactive visualisation