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Euclid's Elements - Book 1 Proposition 2

Proposition 2: [It is possible] to place at a given point a straight line equal to a given straight line.
1. Below you will find Euclid's instruction to construct a line segment through a point equal in length to a given line segment. Using the GeoGebra applet, follow these instruction. Let A be the given point, and BC the given straight line. From point A to point B let the straight line AB be joined; and on it let the equilateral triangle DAB be constructed (use Toolbar Image tool) Let the straight lines AE, BF be produced in a straight line with DA, DB (in other words, use the ray tool Toolbar Image to extend lines DA and DB to create lines AE and BF by creating new points E and F on DA and DB respectively); Create circle with center B and distance BC (where G is the intersection of the circle with line BF); and again, create circle with center D and distance DG (where H is the intersection of the circle with line AE);

2. What postulates are being used to carry out the construction? Where?

3. Euclid claims that BC = AL. Why is that true?

4. Can you identify which common notions (and where) were used in your argument?

5. This is Euclid's second proposition. Did the order matter? Could Euclid have named this proposition 1? Why or why not?