Google Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner

Curves of constructive and destructive interference from two point sources

Waves from two coherent, spatially separated sources of oscillations interfere in such a way that the oscillations are amplified in some directions in space (constructive interference: antinodes of lines or maximum intensity) and completely weakened in some directions (destructive interference: nodal lines or minimum intensity). Examples are water waves, sound waves, light waves ... . This applet allows you to visualize and study this phenomenon. You can change the distance b between the sources, as well as the wavelength λ. In these cases, the selected interference lines (actually curves) are hyperbolas. Experiments related to these phenomena that I find interesting can be found, for example, in the following videos: 1. Interferenz Wasserwellen, Jörg Kronenberg 2. The Original Double Slit, Experiment, Veritasium 3. Interference Demo: Speakers, Physics Demos 4. Interferenz, Rene Matzdorf The next applet considers the case of far-field interference.

Near interference field of two coherent radiation sources

P.S. Very useful demo applet "Interference from Two Sources".