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GeoGebra Classroom
100 Great Problems - Supplement
The Secant Theorem
Heron's Formula, Geometric Proof
Medians and the Centroid
Triangle Inscribed in a Circle
Inscribe a circle in a triangle.
A quadrilateral inscribed in a circle
Tangents from point to circle
The Diagonals of Trapezoid
Inscribe a chord in a given arc of a circle
Draw the sine squared of an angle
Chordal: Points with equal tangents to two circles
Draw a Chordal (Power Line)
Similarity points
Pole and Polar 1
Pole and Polar 2
Pappus' Theorem
Pappus' Theorem 2
Malfatti: Trig supplement
Tangent circles, differential
Appolonius, Differential Solution I
Ruslan and Ludmila
Cycloids and the Rolling Circle
The Parabola: Focal angle of intersecting tangents
Parabola from Four Tangents
I am a rhombus
Rhombus & Circle, 2
100 Great Problems - Supplement
Ryan Hirst
A collection of theorems and constructions used in the proofs for
100 Great Problems
which accompany the book by Heinrich Dorrie.
The Secant Theorem
Heron's Formula, Geometric Proof
Medians and the Centroid
Triangle Inscribed in a Circle
Inscribe a circle in a triangle.
A quadrilateral inscribed in a circle
Tangents from point to circle
The Diagonals of Trapezoid
Inscribe a chord in a given arc of a circle
Draw the sine squared of an angle
Chordal: Points with equal tangents to two circles
Draw a Chordal (Power Line)
Similarity points
Pole and Polar 1
Pole and Polar 2
Pappus' Theorem
Pappus' Theorem 2
Malfatti: Trig supplement
Tangent circles, differential
Appolonius, Differential Solution I
Ruslan and Ludmila
Cycloids and the Rolling Circle
The Parabola: Focal angle of intersecting tangents
Parabola from Four Tangents
I am a rhombus
Rhombus & Circle, 2
The Secant Theorem
New Resources
Calendar Puzzle
derivatives of power
Constructing the Perpendicular Line Through a Point on the Line
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laws of exponent in multipication
Segment domain and range
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Hypergeometric Distribution