IM Grade 7: Unit 5 - Rational Number Arithmetic

In this unit, students interpret signed numbers in contexts (e.g., temperature, elevation, deposit and withdrawal, position, direction, speed and velocity, percent change) together with their sums, differences, products, and quotients. To learn more about how to use GeoGebra’s fully digital and interactive curriculum, visit our IM 6-8 page.
5.1 Interpreting Negative Numbers 5.2 Changing Temperatures 5.3 Changing Elevation 5.4 Money and Debts 5.5 Representing Subtraction 5.6 Subtracting Rational Numbers 5.7 Adding and Subtracting to Solve Problems 5.8 Position, Speed, and Direction 5.9 Multiplying Rational Numbers 5.10 Multiply! 5.11 Dividing Rational Numbers 5.12 Negative Rates 5.13 Expressions with Rational Numbers 5.14 Solving Problems with Rational Numbers 5.15 Solving Equations with Rational Numbers 5.16 Representing Contexts with Equations 5.17 The Stock Market