Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Quad-Tools: the Funky Flower

Each of the seven 'Quad-tools' does its own thing. Use the corner control dots to move and morph each tool into a different shapes. 1. Can you make the funky looking flower using each 'Quad-tool' only once? It may take some trying and trial and error, but don't give up! Have some fun! 2. In the space below, share which Quad-tool you used for each part of the funky flower and why you used that Quad-tool.

Which Quadtool did you use to make part 'A'? Give a brief explanation why.

Which Quadtool did you use to make part 'B'? Give a brief explanation why.

Which Quadtool did you use to make part 'C'? Give a brief explanation why.

Which Quadtool did you use to make part 'D'? Give a brief explanation why.

Which Quadtool did you use to make part 'E'? Give a brief explanation why.

Which Quadtool did you use to make part 'F'? Give a brief explanation why.

Which Quadtool did you use to make part 'G'? Give a brief explanation why.

This activity is based on ShapeMakers by Mike Battista.