Electrical Machines & Drives - Timon De Wispelaere
Front Cover: Zénobe Gramme (https://art-public-liege.be/monument-zenobe-gramme/). "Le buste en bronze de Gramme, érigé sur un socle imposant, tient la dynamo qui a changé la donne. À sa droite, une représentation féminine incarne la science et l’électricité, tenant les palmes glorieuses et « les foudres électriques »."
Any and all feedback is welcome and can be sent to timon.dewispelaere@kuleuven.be.
![Electrical Machines & Drives - Timon De Wispelaere](https://www.geogebra.org/resource/k6ezhvbf/IZvuAIqcVLIwDdqt/material-k6ezhvbf-thumb.png)
Generation of a Rotating Field
Field and Current Layers of Stator & Rotor - Torque Generation
Field Oriented Control of Electrical Machines
- Field oriented control of a synchronous machine with a smooth (wound) rotor
- Field oriented control of a doubly fed slip-ring asynchronous machine
- Field oriented control in a short circuited slip-ring asynchronous machine (induction machine)
- Field oriented control in a short circuited slip-ring asynchronous machine (induction machine; blocked rotor)
- Field oriented control in a squirrel-cage asynchronous machine (induction machine)
- Field oriented control in a squirrel-cage asynchronous machine (induction machine; blocked rotor)