2 - Mirror space

Grades 1 - 4 Duration: 2 x 45 min Tools: one Logifaces set / person  Pair work Keywords: Reflection, Symmetry - asymmetry, Natural and artificial environment 

Mirror space


ART / Natural and artificial environment

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________DESCRIPTION LESSON 1 Symmetry & reflection Each pair of students receives a three-sided mirror box. The exercise involves the students installing a Logifaces composition into this small mirror room. In the second step they study the reflected scene using a freely chosen technique (drawing, painting, collage, mixed media). This work needs to be photocopied because it will be used in lesson 3 for the décollage. LESSON 2 Symmetry & structure Each pair constructs two small Logifaces block structures using wooden sticks. LESSON 3 Asymmetry & décollage In the third lesson, students arrange the cut parts of the photocopies on the installations they created previously.

Symmetry of two Blocks

logifaces video