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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Kala – Corresponding Angles (Problem-solving)

Corresponding Angles: Questions 1-4

1. Move slider b around - what do you notice?

2. Move slider a around - what do you notice?

3. Name the highlighted angles.

4. The angles that are highlighted are called corresponding angles. Write a definition for corresponding angles based off of what you noticed after moving the sliders in the diagram.

More Corresponding Angles: Question 5-7

5. In the diagram above, 2 different corresponding angles are highlighted. Move around the sliders a and b. What do you notice about these angles?

6. Does the definition you wrote in question 4 remain true for these corresponding angles? If not, write a new definition. HINT: mention something about the positioning of the angles!

7. Name the highlighted corresponding angles.