Ratio 1 - Introducing ratios

In this unit, students learn to understand and use the terms “ratio,” “rate,” “equivalent ratios,” “per,” “at this rate,” “constant speed,” and “constant rate,” and to recognize when two ratios are or are not equivalent. To view the resources in their original state, please visit the IM 6-8 page.
1.1 Introducing ratios and ratio language 1.2 Representing ratios with diagrams 1.3 Recipes 1.4 Colour mixtures 1.5 Defining equivalent ratios 1.6 Introducing double number line diagrams 1.7 Creating double number line diagrams 1.8 How much for one? (working with ratios) 1.9 Constant speed 1.10 Comparing situations by examining ratios 1.11 Representing ratios with tables 1.12 Navigating a table of equivalent ratios 1.13 Tables and double number line diagrams 1.14 Solving equivalent ratio problems 1.15 Part-part-whole ratios 1.16 Solving more ratio problems 1.17 A Fermi problem