IM Geometry: Unit 5 - Solid Geometry
In this unit, students practice spatial visualization in three dimensions, study the effect of dilation on area and volume, derive volume formulas using dissection arguments and Cavalieri's Principle, and apply volume formulas to solve problems involving surface area to volume ratios, density, cube roots, and square roots. To learn more about how to use GeoGebra’s fully digital and interactive curriculum, visit our IM 9–12 Math page.

5.1 Solids of Rotation
5.2 Slicing Solids
5.3 Creating Cross Sections by Dilating
5.4 Scaling and Area
5.5 Scaling and Unscaling
5.6 Scaling Solids
5.7 The Root of the Problem
5.8 Speaking of Scaling
5.9 Cylinder Volumes
5.10 Cross Sections and Volume
5.11 Prisms Practice
5.12 Prisms and Pyramids
5.13 Building a Volume Formula for a Pyramid
5.14 Working with Pyramids
5.15 Putting All the Solids Together
5.16 Surface Area and Volume
5.17 Volume and Density
5.18 Volume and Graphing