Exploration #1 - Triangle Altitude
Slide the point labeled "slide me". The purple segment that will appear is said to be an ALTITUDE OF A TRIANGLE. What about the diagram tells us that the purple segment is in fact an altitude?
Is it ever possible for a triangle's altitude to lie inside the triangle? I(f this is possible, slide the vertex of the applet above to show this.)
In which type of triangles is the altitude located INSIDE? Classify it using the angle measures.
Is it ever possible for a triangle's altitude to lie ON the triangle itself? That is, can an altitude of a triangle ever be the same as ONE SIDE of the triangle?
In which type of triangles is the altitude located ON the triangle?Classify it using the angle measures.
Is it ever possible for a triangle's altitude to lie entirely OUTSIDE the triangle?
In which type of triangles is the altitude located OUTSIDE the triangle?Classify it using the angle measures.
Given your responses to these questions... Fill in what you discovered into your class notes.