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3D Graphics tools

What are Tools?

GeoGebra's 3D Graphics View provides a Toolbar with a selection of 3D Tools. You can activate a Tool by clicking on the button showing the corresponding icon.


Create a sphere using the Toolbar Image Sphere with Center through Point tool.


  1. Select the tool Sphere with Center through Point from the 3D Graphics View Toolbar.
  2. Click twice in the  3D Graphics View to create a sphere.
  3. Select the  Move tool and drag the points to change the sphere's size and / or position.

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How to move objects in the 3D coordinate system

To move a point in the three-dimensional coordinate system, you can switch between two modes by repeatedly clicking on the point while the  Move tool is activated:
  • Mode xOy-plane: You can move the point parallel to the xOy-plane without changing the z-coordinate.
  • Mode z-axis: You can move the point parallel to the z-axis without changing the x- and y-coordinates. 


Create a cube using the Toolbar Image Cube tool and reading the Tooltip.


  1. Search the Toolboxes for the Cube tool.
  2. Read the Tooltip
  3. Click twice in the  3D Graphics View to create a cube.
  4. Select the  Move tool and drag the points to change the cube's size and / or position.

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