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Bezier-Spline Schachfigur Dame

short protocol to process the shape points

Quick adaption Select all points together A2...A20+B1..B18+C1..C18 [AlgebraView] and move away from the figure Select a curve point Ann add control points Bnn + Cnn [hold Ctrl + Click] move to the edge of the figure and adjust incoming (green) and outgoing (red) part of curve... Make a new Spline Copy the points of figure shape to list of points Fig. Execute(MKXY) → transfer points to spreadsheet variables A1...An Execute(MKCA)→ generate control points and copy to spreadsheet variables B1...Bn Execute(MKCB) → generate control points and copy to spreadsheet variables C1...Cn Execute(MKBCurve) → generate Cubic Bezier-Parameter-Splines Adjust Bezier-Curves to Fig shape by control points it may take some work to find the appropriate control point settings to map the figure Execute(MKSurface)MKFig script to make surface shape (rotate 2pi by yAxis adjust 4 other axis) Execute(MKFig) → generate surface mapping figur b,c,d,... (adjust colors, grid lines, labes, show objects eg.) Mulltiple selection of AlgebraView objects [hold Shift klick first-klick last]. Click a Fig point to show handles of control points. Zoom In/Out (scroll mouse wheel) to handle details.

working example

working example
zoom in (scroll mouse wheel) multiselect ctrl+click Fig point and control points move selection adjust control handles

Adjust shape to a new figure

Adjust shape to a new figure

STL Export (Classic 6.x) and prettified in 3D Builder - ready for 3D-Print

STL Export (Classic 6.x) and prettified in 3D Builder - ready for 3D-Print