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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

G-U1-B1-L2-S - What are Constructions?

1. Draw a line segment then draw a circle with its radius as the line segment.

2. Draw two line segments of equal length with a common end point.

3. Draw two line segments of equal length with no points in common.

4. Draw a line segment that is exactly twice the length of another line segment.

5. Draw a line segment that is exactly three times the length of another line segment.

6. Draw two overlapping circles where the circles are the same size and pass through each other’s center.

7. Draw a triangle where all three sides of the triangle are the same length.

8. Draw three circles of the same size where each circle passes through each other circle’s center.

9. Draw two circles of the same size that touch each other exactly once.

10. Draw three overlapping circles on the same line such that two of the circles have their centers on the middle circle.

11. Use a 6-petal daisy to draw a regular hexagon.

12. Find the minimum number of circles of the same size to construct a regular hexagon.

13. Construct one line segment that is perpendicular to another.

14. Find the middle of a line segment.

15. Draw two circles of equal size that touch each other once and exactly fit inside together inside one larger circle.

16. Construct a square.

17. Construct a regular octagon.


Directions: Pick one of the reflection prompts below and complete the statement:

  • Option 1: When constructing circles it is important to … because … 
  • Option 2: Something I remember the next time we do constructions is … because …