Assingnment 5
the sum of interior angle of triangle is 180.
A dynamic applet of the sum of interior angle of triangle is 180
user guideline
1.Drag/move the points A,B and C of triangle then there becomes changes in the value of angle ,,but not change the value of angle sum .
2.Also move the angle slider then the rotated two triangles makes a straight line which is 180.
here, the segment AB and segment Bc_1 are parallel lines and AC is transversal line . so, and are alternate angles also, and are alternate angle and they are equal.
hence, we can say that ++=180.
i.e Interior angle sum of triangle is 180.
If you drag or move the three points of triangle A,B and C of triangle then angle sum of triangle becomes changes? or unchanged?
Puneți răspunsul aici
- A
- B
construction steps;-
1.At first open geogebra window, then draw an arbitrary triangle ABC.
2. Create mid point D and E between the line segment AC and AB.
3. Draw angles ,, in triangle ABC.
4. Dreate angle slider for angle with interval 0 to 180 and increment 1.
5.Again create angle slider for angle with interval 0 to 180 and increment 1.
6. Rotate the triangle around point D by angle with setting clockwise direction.
7.Again rotate the triangle around point E by angle with setting counter clockwise direction.
8.Move the both slider and to show 180.
9. Now construct the angle between A,C,B again, construct angle between c_1, B_1A_1.
10. Enhance your construction using style bar.
11.Calculate the angle sum using sum= ++.
12.Create dynamic text displaying the interior angles and their values( for eg. = and select from the objects.
13.Insert the angle sum as dynamic text sum= from the object.
at last save your ggb applet.