Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Ders

Area Under Curve

Instructions: Drag the Slider back and forth to see the accumulated areas corresponding with various "a" values. Record the corresponding a and b values in the spreadsheet below.

Input your a-values (the x coordinates) in column A and the corresponding b-values (the areas) in column B as ordered pairs in the spreadsheet below. The "fitpoly" command will help you determine the best fit model.

Instructions: Create a unique polynomial function with multiple terms and a degree higher than 2 and enter into the Function field below. Drag the Slider back and forth to see the accumulated areas corresponding with various "a" values. Record the corres

Input your a-values (the x coordinates) in column A and the corresponding b-values (the areas) in column B as ordered pairs in the spreadsheet below. The "fitpoly" command will help you determine the best fit model.


Explain how the above activities justify the connection between a function and its antiderivative. Be explicit and give detail in your response.