Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

How high will it get?

Let's try to use our function from the previous activity to estimate the maximum height of the missile. One reason for finding this altitude this is that it's easiest to shoot the missile down when it hits peak altitude. Type (29,g(29)) into the input bar at the bottom of the applet. Careful with parentheses, there's two at the end of the code snippet. By entering this code, you've asked the model to plot a point at its estimate of the height of the missile at 29 seconds. It should appear as a small black dot on the red curve near the top.

Quick Check: What is the approximate value of the y-coordinate of the point you created?

Select all that apply
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Check my answer (3)
Zoom in on the new point (you can scroll; if you have trouble scrolling try making the applet full screen by clicking on the expansion icon in the bottom right of the applet). Does it look like the point (29,g(29)) is the maximum height of the model? If not, type in more guesses by replacing 29 with other numbers. Make as many guesses as you like. Move forward to the next lesson when you're ready.