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1.29 Medial Triangle

Medial Triangle

In Euclidean Geometry, the medial triangle or midpoint triangle of a triangle △ABC is the triangle with vertices at the midpoints of the triangle's sides AB, AC, BC. Construct a medial triangle below.
  1. Use the MIDPOINT tool to find the midpoints of segments AB, BC, and CA.
  2. Use the SEGMENT tool to connect the midpoints of each side creating midsegments DE, EF, FD.

Use the medial triangle below to answer the questions that follow.

Segment DF = 5.23. What is the value of AC? Explain.

Segment AD = 3.36. What is the value of BD and EF? Explain.

Segment FC = 5.63. What is the value of BF and DE? Explain.

What do you notice about the side lengths of triangles ADE and DBF? What does this say about these two triangles?

What is the perimeter of triangle ABC?

Use the medial triangle below to answer the questions that follow.

What is the measure of angle ECF? Explain.

What is the measure of angle DBF? Explain.

Are there any other missing angle measures that you could find in this figure?