PHYS 0174
A collection of simulations that supports PHYS 0174 at the University of Pittsburgh

Table of Contents
Lecture 01 - Vector Addition
Lecture 02 - Vector Multiplication, 1-D Motion
Lecture 04 - Projectiles, Relative Motion
Lecture 05 - Newton's Laws
Lecture 06 - Free Body Diagrams, Friction
Lecture 08 - Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem
Lecture 10 - Conservation of Energy
Lecture 12 - Conservation of Momentum
Lecture 14 - Torque, Static Equilibrium
Lecture 15 - Rolling
Lecture 16 - Conservation of Ang. Momentum
Lecture 17 - Elasticity, Oscillations
Lecture 18 - Simple Harmonic Motion
Lecture 19 - Traveling Waves
Lecture 20 - Sound, Doppler Effect
Lecture 21 - 1st Law of Thermo, Ideal Gas
Lecture 22 - Internal Energy of a Gas