Google Classroom
GeoGebra Classroom
Google Classroom
GeoGebra Classroom
Integrals and primitives calculus
Integral calculation according to the times
Calculus for integrals(fondamental theorem)
Fundamental theorem of calculus for integrals
Relation of integrals
Disk method for volume of solids of rotation
Average value of a function (integral calculus)
Integral calculus for volume of solids of rotation
Integral and Riemann sums
Integral calculus for solids of rotation around axeY
Integrals for area between two curves
From Riemann sum to integral calculus
Volume of the sphere by disks method
Volume of the cone explained by the cylinder
Volume of the pyramide explained
Integral method vs Disks method
Same volume for different glass shapes but different heights
Volume of a usual container (interactive applet)
The Gaussian integral
Tonnage and volume of a boat hold
Volume of a barrel
Rules of integral calculus (II)
Rules of integral calculus (I)
Integrals and primitives calculus
Daniel Mentrard
Bestimmtes Integral
Unbestimmtes Integral
Lineare Funktionen
Abschnittsweise definierte Funktionen
Integral calculation according to the times
Calculus for integrals(fondamental theorem)
Fundamental theorem of calculus for integrals
Relation of integrals
Disk method for volume of solids of rotation
Average value of a function (integral calculus)
Integral calculus for volume of solids of rotation
Integral and Riemann sums
Integral calculus for solids of rotation around axeY
Integrals for area between two curves
From Riemann sum to integral calculus
Volume of the sphere by disks method
Volume of the cone explained by the cylinder
Volume of the pyramide explained
Integral method vs Disks method
Same volume for different glass shapes but different heights
Volume of a usual container (interactive applet)
The Gaussian integral
Tonnage and volume of a boat hold
Volume of a barrel
Rules of integral calculus (II)
Rules of integral calculus (I)
Integral calculation according to the times
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