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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner

Statistics on Number of Rainy Days in Month (1982 to 2019) in Singapore

1 Explore the monthly number of rainy days ( data for 38 years from 1982 to 2019). Use the slider Month of Year on the top right of graphics screen. (a) Which month(s) has the least days of rain ? (b) Which 3 months has the most unpredictable number of days of rain (Hint : data values spread out rather widely as seen from histogram) (c) Which two month(s) has the smallest differences in terms of the number of rainy days over the 38 years? (Hint : data values clustered together more closely)

2 Explore class interval by adjusting the slider Class Interval Width below right of histogram For each class interval width, change the Month of the Year slider and observe the number of rainy days for each month from January to December. (a) What do you observe when the class intervals are small? (b) What do you observe when the class intervals are big?