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Spreadsheet tools

The Spreadsheet View provides a Toolbar with a selection of Tools specific for working with a spreadsheet. Activate a Tool by clicking on the button showing the corresponding icon.


Calculate the sum of a series of numbers using the Toolbar Image Sum tool.


1.Toolbar ImageUse the Move tool to highlight all cells of column B that contain numbers.
2.Toolbar ImageSelect the Sum tool from the Spreadsheet View Toolbar. Note: The sum of the numbers in the highlighted cells is displayed in the next empty cell of column B.

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Create a list of points based on the numbers provided in the spreadsheet.


1.Toolbar ImageUse the Move tool to highlight all cells of columns B and C down to row 6.
2.Toolbar ImageSelect the List of Points tool from the Spreadsheet View Toolbar. In the appearing dialog press Create to create points from your data set. Note: The values in column B determine the x-coordinates and the values in column C specify the y-coordinates of the plotted points.
3.Toolbar ImageHighlight all cells of columns B and C down to row 6 again and select the Table tool. In the appearing dialog press Create to create a table in the  Graphics View showing the coordinates of the points. Note: You can use the Move tool to change the position of the table in the Graphics View.

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