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Rotirajuće magnetsko polje triju sinusoidalnih struja simetrično raspoređenih po obodu statora

Pogledajmo: 1. crveni plavi i zeleni vektor (i odgovarajuće sinusoide) predstavljaju magnetska polja triju sinusoidalnih struja. Vodiči kroz koje struje teku su simetrično raspoređeni po obodu stroja, tako da je svaka komponenta u prostoru razmaknuta od ostalih dviju za 120°.

Rotirajuće magnetsko polje

Istražimo koje su posljedice nesimetričnoga sustava: 2. amplituda crvenoga vektora je manja ili veća od ostalih dviju amplituda 3. jedna struja je fazno pomaknuta ili je njen vodič u prostoru pomaknut tako da je bliže jednoj, a dalje od druge struje.

Rotating magnetic field as a consequence of three sine currents symmetrically arranged in electric motor's stator

Let us take a look: 1. red, blue, and green vector (and the corresponding sine waves) represent three magnetic fields created by three sine currents. The conductors through which the currents are flowing are arrange in electrical motor's stator in a symmetrical manner, in such a way that each component is 120° apart from the other two. Let us explore consequences of asymmetry: 2. red vector's amplitude is smaller or bigger than the other two, 3. one of the currents is phase shifted or its conductor isn't halfway between the other two.