IM Geometry: Unit 3 - Similarity
In this unit, students use dilations and rigid transformations to justify triangle similarity theorems. The unit balances a focus on proof with a focus on using similar triangles to find unknown side lengths and angle measurements. To learn more about how to use GeoGebra’s fully digital and interactive curriculum, visit our IM 9–12 Math page.

3.1 Scale Drawings
3.2 Scale of the Solar System
3.3 Measuring Dilations
3.4 Dilating Lines and Angles
3.5 Splitting Triangle Sides with Dilation, Part 1
3.6 Connecting Similarity and Transformations
3.7 Reasoning about Similarity with Transformations
3.8 Are They All Similar?
3.9 Conditions for Triangle Similarity
3.10 Other Conditions for Triangle Similarity
3.11 Splitting Triangle Sides with Dilation, Part 2
3.12 Practice With Proportional Relationships
3.13 Using the Pythagorean Theorem and Similarity
3.14 Proving the Pythagorean Theorem
3.15 Finding All the Unknown Values in Triangles
3.16 Bank Shot