Save & Open files

Save a file

You can save a Notes file online on your GeoGebra profile by opening the Menu and selecting Save. Note: If you aren't signed in with your GeoGebra account, you will be asked to log in. Now you can give your file a title, choose if you would like to save your constructions as a template and edit the visibility. You can also download your file offline on your device as a slides (.ggs), image (.png or .svg) or PDF document (.pdf). For this choose Download as from the Menu and select the preferred format.

Save as template

It is possible to save a file as a template to reuse it for new resources. Open the Menu, select Save and give your file a title. Check the box Save as template and select Save. Note: General settings for the canvas and settings for the color or size of pen tools are saved in the template.

Open a template and create a new file

Open the Menu and select Clear all to start a new file. In a dialog window you get an overview of your created templates. Choose one of your templates and select Create to start creating a new file based on your template. You may also create a new blank file by selecting Blank file and Create. Note: When using a template, you create a new file. You don't overwrite the template file.

Open a file

Open a file by selecting Open from the Menu. Search for an online file on GeoGebra or an offline .ggs-file from your device to open it.

Share your file

Share your files with other users or your students by selecting Share from the Menu or the Share button in the header. Note: You will be asked to save your file online, if you haven't done it before. You will then get a sharing-link which you can send to your colleagues or students.