Derivative of function
-The derivative of a function of a single variable at a chosen input value ,when it exists , is the slop of tangent line to the graph the function at that point.
-In below applet, the graph of function drawn in black and a tangent line to that function drawn in red, the slop of tangent line is equal to the derivative of the function at that marked point.
Dynamic applet of derivative as a slop of tangent.
User guideline
-Move the point A to show how the slop of tangent line changes.the slop of tangent line is traced in black so,the derivative of the red function is black function.
materials:- dynamic ggb applet
Test your understanding
Q.n Move the points A then there becomes changes in the tangent line and slop of tangent, then which of the colored line indicate the derivative of the function?
Перевірте все, що стосується
- A
- B
Construction protocal
to construct this applet follow the following steps:-
1.At first,enter the polynomials f(x)=x^2/2+1 by using input bar.
2. create the point A on the function f by using the point tool bar.
3.create the tangent line to the function f through the point A i.e input t=tangent(A,f) by using input bar.
4.create the slop of tangent m=slop(t) or input m=slop(<line>) by using input bar.
5.create a point B=(x(A),m) by using input bar.
6. join the line segment A and B.
7. then drag the point A to visualize the derivative as a slop of tangent .also you can decorate your applet by using object properties and save your applet in ggb file.